Recap of January 1- Feb 14

Hello! ^_^ 

Okay I just wanted to thank the Lord of God, for blessing me with everything that I have.
I am thankful for his guidance on being on this earth and to spread the joy to my fellow families and friends

New Year, New Me! 
I wanted to share with you guys what my goals and accomplishment are since January 1st, 2014.
I have come so far in my journey with some setbacks of course. But we all have to get up and keep going even if times are tough.
On January 1st, 2014, I made a Goals list for the whole year, whether it was a long term goal or short term goal. Of course I had input both, Below are my goals:
So Far, I've done at least 4-5 workouts a week, but most of the time I do 2 a days, meaning I'm doing some kind of toning or cardio. Of course I have to do a daily walk with Charles, so he can get some time outside the house and to walk to the mall playground so he can get peer interaction. 

For Posture, since at my computer at least 50% of the day. I had to put my stool at the highest setting which makes sit up more. Also working on your posture helps with your back so it won't round OR hurt after sit for a long period of time. I would do Yoga or simple stretches in between to avoid the pain in my back. 

I try to run as much as I can, but lately I've been walking a lot. It just means that I need to step up my game and start running especially for the Color Run coming up in March 30th. 

As of right now, I have more online classes then on campus, which is great especially my situation. I currently have 4 classes which are not the classes I would want to take but its for my Liberal Arts degree. I started classes on Jan 13 for the spring.I believe the only class that I like so far is Oceanography :). 

At home for family time, Charles has been put in speech therapy because he has a delay in speech and I feel so bad for him. He's a fast learner, but its me being the one to help him. Its hard sometimes, but I have to be strong for him to be at the level he's suppose to be in. 

As you all might not know, but I started so many challenges in the past month and a half.
I completed the Plank challenge in the month of January with a total 5 minutes, which was the longest plank I've ever done. I am Proud of this accomplishment! :).

I am currently doing the 30 day squat challenge, which I have done before in the previous year. 
It is called the #febsquarchallenge challenge for 2014, today I am doing days 15-16 since I was lazy yesterday. OOPS!
Here is the challenge box that I am using:

In the past month, I also did the Love Your Body Challenge from Tone It Up from Jan 1st until Valentines Day. I made a Love Your Body Intentions here:

I completed all of them except for doing #100byvday, I finished with 169 miles total which I surpassed my goal of of both #100byvday and #150byvday. I completed the water intake by using an app that I love to track my water, which found on the Apple App Store called Waterlogged. I've been logging about 90-120 ounces of water a day, which is amazing! :). 
I did two #5DSD and I was impressed with both results. 

In completing the Love Your Body challenge I would have never thought of wearing a size small in a peplum top it felt great. 

After the Love your body challenge, I felt great inside and out. I can't wait for the next challenge from Tone It Up, but for now I'm focusing on this 6 1/2 weeks of Crossfit wish me luck :)
Have a great week everyone.
I hope you guys enjoyed my little recap of just the little beginning of 2014. 
